Add a Code Copy Button to a Gatsby MDX Site

August 02, 2023 - 5 min read (962 words)

Many documentation sites and technical blogs feature a copy to clipboard button attached to their syntax highlighted code snippets and commands. After a great deal of searching, I was unable to find a Gatsby plugin to create one that was compatible with both modern Gatsby versions and the use of MDX. As a result, I built one.

This post covers the gatsby-remark-copy-button plugin implementation and its use in a Gatsby site.

The plugin package may be used with both of the following packages. However, it was tested primarily with the MDX plugin.

The GitHub repository storing the plugin discussed in this post can be found here. Its corresponding NPM package can be found here.

The evolving GitHub repository storing this blog and its implementation can be found here.

Table of Contents

The Plugin Implementation

The plugin was implemented following the guidelines in the Gatsby Remark Plugin Tutorial.

Stored in the /src/ folder of the plugin repository, the plugin implementation logic is composed of four main files:

  • gatsby-browser.mjs: Gatsby browser file with hooks for adding JS functions within the browser
  • index.mjs: Primary plugin logic module
  • parse-options.mjs: Internal utilities for parsing option stings
  • styles.scss: A SASS file storing default component styles

The JavaScript files are parsed and transformed during the build using Babel. The SCSS file is converted to CSS using node-sass.


The only direct runtime dependency for the plugin is on unist-util-visit which allows the plugin to walk and modify the Markdown AST.

The Remark Plugin Entry Method

A Gatsby Remark plugin module is expected to export a default function with the following signature and return value. An abstract syntax tree representing the markdown file is passed with a plugin options object. The body of the function applies logic to modify the AST and then returns the modified tree. The file storing the module is identified in the package.json file using the main property.

export default ({ markdownAST }, pluginOptions) => {
  // plugin logic

  // return modified markdown abstract syntax tree
  return markdownAST;

Following the handling of plugin options, the entry method uses the visit function provided by the unist-util-visit package to inject a block of HTML including a copy button into a node above each code node that calls for it using a {clipboardButton: true} declaration.

Browser JavaScript

Using the Gatsby Browser API onClientEntry hook, the plugin attaches a function to the window object to implement copying text to the user’s clipboard using the browser Clipboard API. Additionally, to prevent “rage clicking”, a data attribute is added to the button while the operation is running to introduce a lock around the clipboard and animation function.

The default CSS styling is also imported into the browser in the gatsby-browser.js file.

Using the Plugin Package

Install the Plugin

yarn add @jpfulton/gatsby-remark-copy-button

Configure Gatsby

Add the configuration entry to your gatsby-config.js file. This plugin must be added before other plugins that operate on code nodes and markdown code snippets to operate correctly.

The following listing assumes you are using the gatsby-plugin-mdx plugin. However, this plugin may also be used with the gatsby-transformer-remark plugin.

plugins: [
    resolve: `gatsby-plugin-mdx`,
    options: {
      extensions: [`.mdx`, `.md`],
      gatsbyRemarkPlugins: [
          resolve: `@jpfulton/gatsby-remark-copy-button`,
          resolve: `gatsby-remark-code-titles`,
          resolve: `gatsby-remark-prismjs`,

Configure Plugin Options

All plugin options are optional. However, it is strongly suggested that you customize them to override styling to fit your site’s look, feel and layout.

  resolve: `@jpfulton/gatsby-remark-copy-button`,
  options: {
    // Provide a text label for the copy button.
    // Default: null
    buttonText: null,
    // Provide a complete SVG tag string to replace the default
    // copy icon. Be sure to include a class of "copy-icon" on your custom
    // SVG tag when using this option.
    copySvg: null,
    // Provide a complete SVG tag string to replace the default
    // success icon.  Be sure to include a class of "success-icon" on your custom
    // SVG tag when using this option.
    successSvg: null,
    // Provide a custom container class for the <div> tag that contains
    // the copy button to apply custom styling.
    // Default: "gatsby-remark-copy-button-container"
    customButtonContainerClass: null,
    // Provide a custom button class for the copy button to apply
    // custom styling.
    // Default: "gatsby-remark-copy-button"
    customButtonClass: null,

Custom Styling

Custom styling may be applied to the default classes or using the options above custom classes may be applied to the injected markup.

.gatsby-remark-copy-button-container {
.gatsby-remark-copy-button {

Apply custom styles by adding a style sheet to your gatsby-browser.js file.

// gatsby-browser.js
import "./src/styles/copy-button.scss";

Structure of the Injected Markup

When enabled on code snippet, the following HTML will be injected into the output of the page after parsing the Markdown AST using the default plugin options. It will be injected above the code snippet in the generated HTML.

<div class="gatsby-remark-copy-button-container">
    onclick="copyToClipboard(`CLEANED CODE CONTENT TO COPY HERE`, this)"
      viewBox="0 0 24 24"
      viewBox="0 0 24 24"

Usage in Markdown and MDX Files

Once installed, the copy button may optionally be enabled by adding to the code snippet declaration within markdown files. When this plugin is used in conjunction with the gatsby-remark-prismjs plugin, the {clipboardButton: true} option may be provided in any order with other prismjs options.

```js {clipboardButton: true}
const example = "This content will end up on the user's clipboard";

Project Contributions

Contributions to this package are welcome. To submit a feature request or report a bug, please visit the repository contributor guide.

Profile picture

Written by J. Patrick Fulton.

gatsbyjs remark mdx plugin copy button gatsby-remark-copy-button gatsby-plugin-mdx